How to Make Spicy Authentic Indian Burritos, Packed with Goodness

Come make dinner with me!

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn,” -Benjamin Franklin.

Yummy spices fused with a stretchy buttery tortilla all rolled up to create the magical wonder that is the burrito.

Turmeric is a spice that has so many health benefits. I have heard this ancient spice referred to as “the spice of life”.

  1. Turmeric Increases Antioxidants in Your Body
  2. Combats Inflammation
  3. Strengthens Cardiovascular Health
  4. Protects Against Cognitive Decline
  5. Helps to Balance Blood Sugar
  6. Helps with Joint Aches and Pains
  7. Eases Digestive Discomfort
  8. Brighter, Healthier Skin
Photo by Julie Green

Indian burritos



T= Tablespoon

t= teaspoon

lb= pound

Meat Mixture

  • 1 lb of meat I used pork
  • 1 T diced garlic
  • 1/2 onion diced
  • 1/2 can of full fat coconut milk
  • 1T coconut oil
  • 1T fresh ginger past
  • A squeeze of lemon
  • Session with: turmeric, paprika, gram Masala, ginger, salt, pepper, garlic, dash of cinnamon.

Mango bean mixture

  • 1 can black beans
  • 1 can or fresh mango



  • 1 cup or so of cooked rice
  • 1T butter


  • 5 tortillas


Cook meat with fresh garlic , onion and coconut oil until cooked through.

Add all your sessions to taste , I usually sprinkle once around the pan. Then add your coconut milk, ginger and lemon. Cook until the flavor has combined. The longer you cook it the more muted your flavors become so if you find it too strong a flavor just cook it down a little more.

Photo by Julie Green

Drain and rinse your beans, and drain your mango if using canned mango. And mix together.

Photo by Julie Green

For the rice I used leftover rice and just reheated it with some butter. I like to mix my grains, so I used brown rice, white rice, and quinoa. All mixed together. I add 1cup rice mixture to 2 cups of water, and I cook it in my instant pot for 25 minutes. It sometimes turns out a little wet but I still like it. Be sure to wash your rice before cooking. I use a sifter when I drain the washed water from the rice so I don’t lose the quinoa because it floats.

Photo by Julie Green

For the sauce just mix it together to taste it should be a little runny. I had some pickled red peppers from our garden that I diced up and added to the mix with a little rice vinegar! So good!

Photo by Julie Green

For the tortillas you can warm them in the microwave or on the stove top. I did mine on the stovetop and I used just a little bit of butter. I used a square pan which dose tortillas so nicely, I can fit four little tortillas at once. The butter made my tortillas so stretchy and good ! 🙂

Assemble your burritos and enjoy 😉

Photo by Julie Green

Also quick side note I drained the juice from the canned mango into a cup, added some ginger ale and ice and it paired wonderfully with the meal!

Hey shout out to BK Johnsen he was looking for some good burritos and inspired me to experiment. I have a few other burrito ideas still to come so keep your eyes out for the next recipe! 😀

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-Life is sweet;p