soup, sausage, beans-2017644.jpg

Diy Colorful 15 bean soup that calms the heart and leaves you wanting more 

Come make dinner with me! 😉 

Do you ever need dinner inspiration? Or not want to make for dinner? Come make dinner with me! ;p

Soup is soo nice on a cold day! Soothing and will worm you up from the inside out. 

Beans are a highly nutritious underrated food that are cheap and last forever. Dried beans are a pantry staple of mine. 

People really should eat more of them but they can be intimating when you don’t know how to prepare them.

My 15 bean soup is extremely easy and good!

Ingredients :

I use my instant pot to make the beans and it only takes an hour. You put the beans in the instant pot and pull the insert pot out and wash them tell the water is clear. 

Then fill to the 10 cup mark or add 10 cups of water and pressure cook for 25 minutes with the vent set to seal. 

After its done pour in a cullender and rinse well. Pour back into the instant pot and fill to the 10 cup mark or add 10 cups of water again.

 This time add the rest of your ingredients as your ham base from the bean soup mix bag that you set aside earlier. 

Put the lid on and set to pressure cook for 35 minutes, I let it natural release for 30 minutes but you could probably just do ten minutes. 

Session to tast and serve with fresh bread 🥖 soo yummy 😉

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-Life is sweet ;p