The Wonders Of Kimchi, And Its Ancient Health Benefits For Your Gut

We just recently made kimchi and it was wonderful!

A black textured porcelain bowel filled with Kimchi. Kimchi is a spicy pickeld cabbage with other root vegetables.
Image by Portuguese Gravity on Unsplash

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn,”

-Benjamin Franklin.

Cooking is like this quote, you have to get in there and get your hands dirty. Try things yourself to learn. Be Adventurous!

I have bought kimchi from the store and wanted to love it but I just didn’t. So I thought homemade kimchi might just be a game changer for me and it was!

Kimchi is a fermented cabbage with root vegetables in a spicy marinade that is packed full of Probiotics which are amazingly good for your gut health.

Here is a video I watched and I found helpful:/media/5db96d7d942d8c5c0c870b829e57d7b7


  • Napa cabbage 1 or 2 heads
  • 2 carrots 🥕
  • 1 turnip
  • 2 green onions
  • 1 broccoli stock 🥦
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1T diced garlic
  • 1T ginger
  • 1/2 — 1 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup rice flour ( you could always use all purpose flour in a pinch, I have a flour mill so I just mill my own from jasmine rice)
  • 2T or more paprika (add enough to make everything nice and red. Traditionally a spicier red pepper powder is used but I don’t like things too spicy)
  • Chili flakes
  • Salt
  • 1cup water
Four cabbage wedges thinly sliced on a cutting bord.
Image By Julie Green

I cut my cabbage into skinny lengthwise strips, you are the one eating it so whatever size. you want to eat really. Put it into a bowl and pour salt all over it and use your hands to mix together, you don’t have to worry about how much salt you use. because you will rinse off the salt later.

Cabbage wedges filling a large bowl.
Image by Julie Green

Let sit for 30 minutes or so then mix and squeeze the cabbage again.

Flasid cabbage filling half of a large bowl.
Image by Julie Green

Repeat 4 times so the cabbage has been in salt for at least two hours.

A full bowl of corsely grated root vegables
Image by Julie Green

While waiting for the cabbage, grate up your carrots, turnip, and broccoli stock. I use the coarse grate size rather than the fine grate size on the greater. but it all comes down to preference.

Dice your onion , garlic and slice green onions as well.

A saucepan with a wooden steer spoon on the stove filled with a thick red sauce with onins.
Image by Julie Green

Prepare marinade: in a saucepan add water, then rice flour, sugar, ginger, garlic, onion, paprika, chili flakes and salt. Bring to a boil until thickened. Taste and make sure you like it. If it needs extra salt and sugar add it. The flavor will mellow out as it ferments.

Rinse cabbage well.

kimchi a pickled cabbage with root vegetables in a spicy red mainade filling half a large bowl.
Image by Julie Green

Combine all your ingredients together.

A gallon size pickle jar filled with kimchi sitting on the kitchen counter.
Image by Julie Green

I store mine in a gallon glass jar. I use an old pickle jar. I put mine in the fridge. It takes 2–14 days in the fridge to ferment. You can eat it as it changes, it’s kinda fun. I have heard you can also leave it out on the counter for a day or so and it will ferment more quickly. It’s up to you. I put mine in the fridge.

Serve along with rice and meat or in ramen. Kimchi is a wonderful low calorie way to add more vegetables to your meals.

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– life is sweet ;p