How to Gain More Views and Money

How can publications help writers gain access to external audiences?

Photo by Julie Green

In my opinion, the reason publications are appealing is because they have a bigger audience reach. As a new writer, you don’t yet have a following. A monetary incentive is a great motivator and of value to any writer, new or established. If a publication can offer a monetary incentive for their writers that is appealing to anyone.

I love the idea of using social platforms to get external readers. I think why not utilize as many avenues as possible to see which ones promote growth within Medium. This could allow for referral revenue if they become members of Medium as well as increase views for your articles.

I think a big problem though is that once people are on a certain social media platform, they don’t want to leave that platform. You have to entice them properly with just enough of the information to hook your reader so they want to know the rest. However, in order to find out more, they have to click the link and read your article.

Maybe Buy Me a Coffee ☕️ could be a social platform that could be utilized to bring in more money for publications and be distributed to the writers. The more people sign up for a subscription to read said publication ex: Coffee Times through Buy Me A Coffee, the more money can be distributed between the writers of said publication.

This would be an incentive for writers to write for publications as well as promote Medium as a platform. This doesn’t eliminate the need for Medium it just increases your audience reach to those who don’t use Medium while also increasing revenue, it is twofold.

I just read an article about writing competitions where you can make money if you win in the month of October by Erica Verrillo35 Writing Contests in October 2021 - No entry feesThis October there are nearly three dozen contests for short fiction, novels, poetry, CNF, nonfiction, and short plays.…

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Buy me a coffee ☕️

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-life is sweet ;p

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