Why We Need Each Other More Than We Know — United We Stand, Divided We Fall

In response to Coffee Challenge; Why I am pro shoutout movement

A woman sitting with her back to us alone, at a clutterd table infront of a window typing on her laptop.
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

“United we stand divided we fall”

Have you ever heard the saying “United we stand divided we fall”? I feel like we see writing as a solo thing. When it really isn’t. You need people. You need the support and the criticism to improve. However, you also need people to read what you wrote, without them you are doing nothing more than journaling.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” — Aristotle

Focusing on yourself is problematic. It’s not about you, it’s about what you have to offer. Especially in the beginning, that might change once you make a name for yourself.

Here on Medium, we have a unique ability to band together and lift each other up. Whenever you give something you get back tenfold. Give to others what you want to receive.

“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning,” -Benjamin Franklin.

A red coffee cup centered on a coffee press with steam everywhere.
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Coffee Times is a unique publication that requires its writers to do shout-outs to other writers in their articles. This idea is huge, because not only does it give us more reads. It gives us the ability to create our own community with like-minded individuals.

Such as :

Winston, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Dr. Preeti Singh, Drashti Shroff, Marrisa W., Sharing Randomly, Yana Bostongirl

Like I said earlier you get back way more than you give. By tagging someone in your article and giving them a shout-out, you have guaranteed yourself at least one read as well as giving them at least one read too. It really is a win-win situation.

I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light,” -Helen Keller.

Looking down on a table with three people surounding it readind, wrighting, and working together.
Photo by Alexis Brown on Unsplash

Change your focus from yourself and how you want to get to where you want to be to help others. It’s amazing what others will do for you when you help them! They want to reciprocate and help you too.

Be genuine. Don’t give a shout-out to the first article you come to that you didn’t even enjoy. Art is about sharing what you feel, and if their work speaks to you maybe your work will speak to them.

You cannot swim for new horizons until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” — William Faulkner

The vast Ocean is in front of you with nothing else vizable but the horizen glowing from the setting sun.
Photo by Linda Xu on Unsplash

All too often, the security of a mediocre present is more comfortable than the adventure of trying to be more in the future.” — Tony Robbins

We have to let go of our security blanket and connect with people. We have to give unselfishly of ourselves the way we want people to give to us. If we are not growing and pushing ourselves forward like a great waterfall, falling into unknown territory. We are lukewarm and stagnant. Nobody wants to be stagnant water catching fly’s.

I just read a story by Carrie. A. Kelly.Called Write for These 5 Publications! So if you are looking for publications to write for? Then give her article a read.Write for These 5 Publications!The following 5 publications are welcoming, inclusive places that I either run or edit for. All writers, new or seasoned…link.medium.com

Also, Ravyne Hawke gave some wonderful writing inspiration for the month of December! Check it out if you are having a little writer’s block.Monthly Theme For DecemberFor the month of December, the theme here at Promptly Written will be The reason for the season December is filled with…link.medium.com

If you enjoyed my writing you can support me by buying me a coffee here.


If you enjoy reading on medium and would like to become a member you can here, be sure to use my link as it would help support me.

Join Medium with my referral link – Julie GreenAs a Medium member, a portion of your membership fee goes to writers you read, and you get full access to every story on…sierraforestglen.medium.com

  • Life is sweet;p

Shout-out to some of my fellow writers at Coffee Times let me know what you think!

Aemen Farooq, Alexis Mckenney, Anthony Lam, Christa Gabriel Rossi, Katlyn Aviles, Oliver Kahn, Sharing Randomly, Sheharyar Mumtaz, Slow train, Tony Galbier, Abdulkader Thomas, Aiden Riley, Aiza Khurram, Akshat Bansal, Alana Aspen, Alberto Lazaro, Andawn F., Boedi Andriani Ontowiryo, Angelina Newsom, Anish Pochi, Ann Syson, Annie Vo, Ann Venkataraman, Ashley Nicole, Ben Human, Heather Thompson, William Milgrim, Bob Merckel, Brianna Heron, Dave Drew , Carrie. A. Kelly, Călina Mureșan, Cameron Gorrie, Canzhalid, Carrie Kolar, Carolyn F. Chryst, Ph.D., Drashti Shroff, Cilla March, Clare Z Young, Craig Axford, Cristi Ackerman Wells, Crypto Verse, Cynthia A. Morgan., Daniel Lawson, Larisa Dărăban; Darlene Corbett ; Dave Chaimson ; Denise Darby ; Deanna Teague ; Dee S White ; Destiny S. Harris ; Darleen Ghirardi ; Diana C. ; Diane Hatz — Whole Healthy Group ; Dishit Devasia ; David Perlmutter ; Diana Lotti ; Don Simkovich, MA ; Edward Robson, PhD, MFA ; Anthony Eichberger ; Eliashossain ; Elin Melaas ; Elise Paxson ☕️ ; Ellie Jacobson ✍🏻 ; Erin Dixon Heath ; ershad mohammad ; Fanae-5, MS; Fit$ ; Aaryaman Nijhawan ; Fred Ermlich ; Gayatri Joshi ; Galen Bjarnesen ; PegMeg Cypher ; Lady Dr. Gabriella Korosi ; Gladys Carmina ; Tim Cheneval ; Greg Proffit ; Heather Lynne Sparks ; Uziel Miranda ; Hope Carter ; Ian Njoto ; Ilana Lydia ; Ivylockewrites ; J.A. Becker ; Jake Hilden ; Jane Frost (Jane Grows Garden Rooms); Jane Heerema-Anhold ; Jasmine Clemente ; JD Adams ; JD ; Jeanne-Erin ; Jenna Hamilpuff ; Jessica Bianchi ; Jimmy Misner Jr.r ; Joanna Funk ; Jon Wubbolding ; Jort Janssen ; Mandi Angelique ; Karla Parra ; Karthick Thoppe ; Kate Sutherland ; Kit Campoy ; Kristen Kittel ; Karen Worsfold ; Lakeyia ; Marrisa W. ; Liyah B ; Leeann Pennington M.ed LPC ; luis molina ; Luther Thomas Jr ; Myriam M ; Mackenzie Plunkett ; Manojpandit ; Marc Simon ; Marlon Wells ; Meliha Avdic ; Kennedie ; Michelle Janosi ; Marian Nanney ; Monika Velin ; Mulan ; Naomi Knight ; Natalie Gasper ; Nicole Sponsel ; Nic Willett ; Noah Nelson ; Nancy Parish ; Brad Bartlett ; Samah Fadil ; Valorie Lasley ; Pragati Gautam ; Tapsagaa Chepkoech ; Purvi Vani ; Rajesh krishnamurthy ; Rita Duponty ; Rebecca Leong ; RJ Reyes ; Ruba Rizvi ; Ryan M. Danks; Samantha Jensen, Samantha Jensen, MA, MAEd ; Sandhya Domah ; Sarah Evans ; Sara Waller, PhD ; Scott Ebisch ; S. G. S. Abel ; Shaun Banks ; Shirley Jones Luke ; Michelle Noel ; Sahil Patel ; a k ; Sophia Higginss ; Josh Balerite Acol ; Sowmya Mupparaju ; david rosario ; Stephanie Malka ; Sujona Chatterjee ; Tamar Cerafici ; Teresa Young ; Nora ; Amy Jo Martin ; William Frick ; The Positive Journal; Timothy A. Wilson ; Tom Davison ; Tracey Smith ; Trish Arrowsmith ; Vashni Stories ; Verbieann Hardy ; VRITANT ; Lola Rosario ; Wilfredo Resto ; Sarah Minnis ; Yiqing Zhao ; Zakary Kerr ; srstowers ; James Williams ; Aidan Heron ; VIRGO ; Kris Downey ; Shraddha Bahuguna ; Carina Mela ; Maja Savicc ; Nicci Rothe ; Derek Schmid ; Craig D. Aron ; Tony Leo ; Chu Jie Ying ; Sumit Kumar ; Toffy Char ; Chau Trieu ; Sidra Ramay ; Brown Boi ; Ashfaq Framewala ; L.Robbins ; Hamsalekha ; pockett dessert ; Jill (Conquering Cognitions) ; Abhishek Nyati ; Ash C ; Paula Smith ; Dee Shihady ; Sarah Lyall-Neal ; Noah Douglas ; Beverly Annette Little ; Anne Lew ; Kristina God ; Nicholas Chay ; Nidhi Thakur ; Mohit Satkari ; Firnita ; Travis Knowlton; Gabrielle Mastronardo ; Cameron Sidhe ; Sejal jain ; Angelo Giannone ; Juana Flor ; Anurag Jain ; Dr. Preeti Singh. ; Mofrad Muntasir ; Linda Ngiena ; Pratibha Mohanty ; Leese Wright ; Preeti Ramachandran ; Christina Szeman ; Madame Moudmak ; Sonora Hills ; Nicole Higginbotham-Hogue ; Tom Jacobson ; Brooke Kochel RN ; Barbara Mac ; Robin Le Roy-Kyle, repurposed educator ; B.R. Shenoy ; Neera Handa Dr ; Noemi Akopian ; Alombah Delight ; Dazzling Shene ; Kevin Mun ; Patricia Wright ; Owen Coffey ; Maia Sham ; Stephanie S. Diamond; TzeS ; Caroline Mellor ; Patricia Haddock ; Matt Miller ; Kathy – KN J Tales and Snippets ; Nathalie Clair ; Donnette Anglin ; K.T.K.. ; Mahi Jain ; Venus Star ; Kathy Lum ; Sally Pragg ; Samantha Holloway ; Rachel Idi ; Fox Cafe ; Lou Gibbons ; Roselyn Violet ; Trista Signe Ainsworth ; Lucia Landini ; Amy Christie ; Ben Parry ; Chloe Longstreet ; Ajita ; Bree; Kyra Bussanich ; Kendra Gayle Lee ; Dominic DiFrancesco ; Khal Daghestani ; Durga Swadia ; Brett Millan ; Danna Z ; Ashley; Rodolfo Urbano ; Justiss Goode ; Kelly Marsh ; Alice K ; Purbita Chakraborty ; Penelope Mayfield ; Pierce McIntyre ; Daniella Gaskell ; Laurianne Muzangisa ; Ali Hall ; Sam Finlayson; Jessi Tobin ; Melissa D ; Bridget Vaughn ; Julius Czar ; Rohab Ahmed ; Rizzy ; Alice González ; Prachi Mule ; Chachi Gustin ; Warren Patterson ; Chester Beard ; Vanessa H.. ; Nancy Elliott , Zoey Hale ;