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I Just Read Atomic Habits by James Clear and it changed my life

Photo by Julie Green

Atomic Habits is a great book full of practical useful information that you can start using the moment you start reading the book.

That is always my favorite because you immerse yourself into a book and start applying what it’s talking about to your life after the first chapter.

As you keep reading it just keeps giving you more effective tips on how to better apply what you are reading to your everyday life and get the results you are wanting.

Everyone backsides and so you back backslide and then you pick up the book again and start reading again and get renewed excitement to try again.

You also might try one thing that isn’t working for you and get discouraged but then after reading a bit farther in the book decide to come at the problem from a different angle and again get renewed excitement to try again.

This renewed excitement to try again happens again and again. By the time you are done reading this book you will have stuck with something long enough to form a habit.

Effectively making a change for the beginning of 1% positive change in your life which is a topic of discussion in Atomic Habits.

That talking point (make a 1% positive change as opposed to a negative change) has stuck with me. Change is not linear but more of an exponential curve at the beginning you can’t hardly see a difference and then if you stick with it you will have a compounding effect that will look like an overnight success.

Photo by Julie Green

Is Atomic Habits an easy read?

Yes and no. Yes it is very applicable to your life and makes you want to keep reading to become the best you, you can be and accomplish your goals even though in the book it talks about not being goals oriented but system oriented.

And no, it is not like I have to know how the book ends. For me a good romance novel keeps you on your toes till the very end. Will they end up together or won’t they? Or I tend to lose interest in a story once I know whether or not they get together. However they wrap up the rest of the story I find myself totally uninterested in finding out.

However, I did find as I started to utilize some of the teachings in the book. I would make some improvements in my own life, and then need to be reinspired to do it again. I would then pick it back up to read more of the book. It took me longer to finish the book because of this. I guess there are pluses and minuses to this approach. Overall though, this method of reading, trying out what I read, reading again, worked for me so no complaints.

I would recommend reading Atomic Habits. It is a great book and helps you better understand what we do and why we do it. Also how to change what we do to be who we want to be. Everyone should have this basic understanding of themselves. To be the best version of themselves you need this basic understanding.

Me and my husband read it together after he just started graduate school and there were a lot of changes we were trying to make like sleep schedule, when he would study, and family time. These changes were hard to make but when left to your own devices things tend towards chaos. You are left feeling overwhelmed and in over your head.

I read about this book when we were in the thick of our current system as James Clear would put it. Our system was imploding around us, showing a clear need for a change. Therefore both me and my husband started reading the book on our kindles with blue covers that night and just ate up what it was saying.

Today we are in a much better situation than when we started. Our systems are not failing us “you don’t rise to your goals you fall to the level of your systems” it is a quote from the book and is so true.

Anyway having the right systems in place gave my husband a peace of mind which was necessary when he has to take a test or three every week.

For me it’s changed the way I look at success and gave me the realization that even if I am not achieving something as fast as I would like to. My efforts will compound themselves and then I will have an exponential achievement.

Also if I give up, my negative habits will compound against me and nobody wants negative compounding. Don’t give up on yourself.

I love and use kindle unlimited all the time, I highly recommend it.

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-Life is Sweet ;p